Will curing G.E.R.D. have a very large impact on breathing problems? - g.e.r.d. more condition_symptoms
I thought of Nissen fundoplication surgery for my hiatal hernia, and I want to listen to the people who have done this, too. I know in particular whether this intervention improves respitory some conditions associated with GERD.
In addition, it requires no restrictions on my license?
Here is an attachment shit about me:
At one point I did everything the doctor said, including the elimination of certain foods from my diet, disease, weight loss, until I tightened up in the settings done, "healthy" for my age, / / physical size, the change the angle of my dreams, and was on Nexium, Previcid and Gaviscon. All these measures have contributed to the constitution, but not eliminate the symptoms. In fact, the symptoms were so bad that I gave up the treatment.
I suffer from this disease for my whole life as I am born with a hiatal hernia. I also hyperhydrochlorhydria, aggravating reflux disease and gastroesophageal reflux gastritis and cause similar symptoms in the low GI EMRct.
As the common symptoms of GERD, I was diagnosed with chronic bronchitis as a child, and later the diagnosis of asthma in adults. (it is assumed that GERD can cause asthma)
Cramping of stomach acid was significantly higher in the context of increased stress lately. The increases have resulted in Laryngopharyngeal Reflux, which seems to be the cause of sleep apnea, because the symptoms.
As soon as I AFORD insurance, I have to say following the same procedure in which doctors and experts, to me that changing my diet to lose weight too content to take drugs, etc., etc. Finally, they have exhausted all possibilities Cellulite Treatments to decide, and probably for an operation.
G.e.r.d. More Condition_symptoms Will Curing G.E.R.D. Have A Very Large Impact On Breathing Problems?
11:08 AM
Well, from my own experience I can say, yes, she has to breathe a huge impact on my ability. Mine only lights up occasionally, but when it happens, it gives me asthma. I am allergic to everything and breathe the feeling that no longer properly during the chest pain of GERD, is frightening, I thought, I have a problem with your heart! If you take the necessary measures for GERD under control my medication, better diet and sleeping position ... I can breathe freely and easily. I have a hiatal hernia, so you never Surgery. Good luck!
Edit / / / a "Sandy" Yes, I have Gerd. This led to pain in the esophagus and throat ... Sometimes the ball in the ribs, neck and ear pain is! The nerves of the esophagus are rare. Sometimes, to the acid comes in the night, my sore throat and sometimes I have a hoarse voice and sore throat, which would also affect my ears!
Sorry. I did not answer, but I am very excited about the response you receive, too. I have the same problem and nothing has been done completely. In fact, this may be a strange question, but have you ever been alien from the pain that you feel connected to your GERD?
EDIT: Thanks for the information on the connection to the ear problems. My doctor looked in my ear, told me a little wax, but that is not related to GERD is, and will not appear too painful. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I have found your website and it is recommended that you go see another doctor with this information in hand. Thanks again and good luck with your problems.
EDIT: Hmmmmmm What exactly is a "feeling knot?" I'm always the center of my throat, and sometimes when I speak, my voice is cut off, as my throat closed or something. It feels almost like a government of Bolivia hair or something in my throat. Then, after coughing, so I can not speak again.
PS Thank you for your information and PrConstant Leia.
I do not know whether the problems be eliminated, but their allievo. In any case, the problem of surgery of hiatal hernia, should without doubt the cause and strengthen the GERD. They all have non-surgical options that would not work and gives more credence to the idea that the breach caused the most problems. I would like to solve it - it can only help.
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